Monday, February 1, 2016

Angels in Paris (Story 3) Work in Progress

Angels in Paris
                The snow fell gently in and around the infamous Paris Opera House as patrons went to and from the holiday performances that were taking place inside. The Christmas concerts were always a favorite with the higher class patrons and a few of the middle and lower class would often stand for a few moments to hear the sweet tones of music drifting from the hall.  Street lamps decorated with garland and holly glowed with their gas flames as carriages moved down the streets.  Although parts of the city were wired for electricity, there were still areas around the grand Opera House that still used the old gas lamps.
                As the concert came to a close, the patrons descended down the steps and into the streets.  However, workers and performers were busy closing down the grand venue for the night.  Though some performers lived in the dormitories onsite a few of the maids and other workers lived nearby in less than cozy conditions.  However, it was a living as a lone maid named Abigail walked down the stairs having finished her work for the night. 
                Abigail was only in her early twenties with light blonde hair and blue eyes.  She had left her native London having fallen in love with an artist at the age of 16.  However, he had left her for a ballerina in a rival town leaving her all alone in Paris.  Though she was heartbroken, Abigail went through the motions of daily life though it wasn’t the life she envisioned.  She had dreams of being the “Lady of the House” with children and a stable household but now she was working by herself chasing after a long dead dream.
                Walking through the streets towards one set of living quarters used by the maids, Abigail found herself looking at the gargoyles that seemed to dot the buildings in and around Paris.  She was rather fond of them but she admired the Angels the most.  They always seemed to be kneeling or praying with their hands covering their eyes.  They were so beautiful and so pretty that even as a girl she recalled her parents telling her the stories of guardian Angels and here they were in Paris.
                As she walked by, she thought she heard something in the alleyway.  At this late hour, it wouldn’t surprise her that the tavern patrons were emerging in their drunken stupors.  However, as she peered into the alleyway she saw the outline of a figure in the shadows.  It didn’t move but out of the corner of her eye she saw a wing tip.  It was an Angel, here on the ground as a nearby torch flickered. 
                She had never had the opportunity to see one of the angels up close before.  They were always up top near the opera house.  Perhaps, someone was playing a trick as she looked up briefly. What she didn’t notice was the slight grinding of stone in the darkness.  Abigail slowly walked up to the Angel, like the ones she saw on the rooftop of the Opera House, its eyes were covered as she stared at it.  It was gorgeous, her eyes remained glued to the angel, it was beautiful as the snow continued to fall more heavily now.  A flake drifted into her eye and she blinked.   In that brief moment, a scream echoed through the alleyways near the opera house.
                It had been a week since Daniel “Zeke” Williams came aboard the TARDIS along with The Doctor and Krista as The Doctor stood over the console.  It was the insistence of Krista that he should join their duo and it had been a while since there were three of them in the TARDIS.  Not that he didn’t mind the company, he needed it after the losses of Alex, Lucie, C’rizz, Molly and most especially Charley.   His two hearts ached over their losses but he had to move on.  There was something about Daniel that reminded him of a young Ernest Hemingway only found on a planet far away from his 1935 Kansas home on a planet that no doubt had been inspired by Frank Baum’s legendary tale.  Daniel was in a sense the living embodiment of Dorothy Gale, only his journey into the unknown had just begun.
                As he adjusted the controls of the console, the TARDIS shuddered briefly for a moment as he tapped the console.   Lately, she had been shuddering ever so slightly in the past few weeks that it was becoming a concern for him to start looking at her.  He couldn’t find where the source of the distress from his ship was coming from and it was distressing.  The TARDIS was extremely sensitive and no doubt something continued to upset her ever so slightly as he heard the voices of both Krista and Zeke coming in through one of the corridors.
                “So it really is bigger on the inside?”  He heard Zeke comment as he heard Krista let out a soft chuckle.  It was good to hear the small chuckle, something that seemed to be missing since he had accepted the responsibility of taking the female companion on board.  Perhaps, some relaxation is what the three of them needed since their adventure on Oz.    As he found himself, adjusting the controls of the console, he figured maybe one of the first performances of The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky would be uplifting or Beethoven’s magnum opus, the Ninth Symphony.
                “You haven’t seen most of it yet, and even back home I didn’t get to see most of the rooms its Trans dimensionally…….”  Krista started, but the Doctor finished.
                “Transcendental, Miss Emerald.”  The Doctor finished, as he hit the scanners as he set in the coordinates roughly in the neighborhood.  Unlike the past two adventures, he was wearing his blue velvet petticoat in addition to his vest, cravat and pearl gray trousers.    “Good of you two to join me, I figured since our little trip to Oz we may go someplace or somewhere a bit different and uplifting.” 
                “As long as it’s not the disco club, Doctor.”  Krista said, remembering the brief time before they met Zeke he had taken her to see ABBA in concert back in the 1970s.
                “Disco?”  Daniel asked, looking at Krista quizzing.
                “Don’t ask it was a phase,” Krista said.
                “Still an enlightened period of music,” The Doctor said, amused.  “Speaking of music, I thought it would be interesting to take a trip to the romantic era of Earth’s history, the classical composers Mozart, Beethoven, Handel or even Tchaikovsky, I have always wanted to see the first performance of The Nutcracker, or the famed Ninth Symphony.  Old Beethoven had a way with music despite his sorted past…but in order to attend one of these you must change for the ball so to speak.”
                “Well I didn’t exactly bring my wardrobe with me, “Daniel said, as he saw a smile cross Krista’s face.
                “Don’t worry!  The Doctor has a room for that,” Krista started, but the Doctor finished for her.
                “Down the main corridor down the spiral staircase and off to the left.  You’ll find the wardrobe room, Krista is already familiar with it.   Late 19th Century, Miss Emerald please do remember that as well Mr. Williams.” The Doctor, said as he adjusted the controls and plotted in the coordinates.  He watched as the two companions headed down the corridor towards the wardrobe room.  Indeed, a good stroll to listen to the first ever performance of music would do them all a bit good as he set in the coordinates and hit the controls as the engines came to life and the TARDIS moved through the vortex on her way to her next destination. 
                An hour later, Zeke stood nervously wearing a period maroon velvet coat, trousers matching vest and a white dress shirt beneath, indicative of the period as well as borrowed pocket watch all from the wardrobe room, which in and of itself was almost ten levels if not more.  Krista had tried to explain to him where to find the period wear and being a history major at one time, according to what she had told him, she had found him some appropriate attire.
                He stared at one of the many racks of candles that lined the elaborate console room as he heard The Doctor come back in.  This time instead of wearing his blue velvet coat, he was now wearing his green velvet one as he adjusted the sleeves and looked at his own pocket watch.  By this time, the TARDIS had already settled and now both were waiting on Krista as The Doctor walked back over and checked the readings.  They were in the right time period, just during the middle part of the Victorian era as Zeke was the first one to speak.
                “Couldn’t we find something a bit more comfortable?  I feel like this is something my granddad would wear,” He commented.
                “The wardrobe is part of the experience,” The Doctor replied, chuckling to himself.  “No need to ruin the trip before it begins.”
                “Well…it could be worse you could be wearing a corset and a dress,” Krista added, as she finally joined the two in the console room.   Krista had changed into a dark green elaborate Victorian gown hidden mostly by a large black cloak.  Her hair had been curled back and around her ears she wore a thin black veil as she shook her head.  Zeke and The Doctor were impressed but it was The Doctor who was the first to speak.
                “You weren’t complaining much back in 1916,” The Doctor reminded her.
                “That’s because, I was trying to blend in before I found a place of my own,” Krista fired back.  “I like history but I didn’t like the wardrobe at the time.”
                “Fair point.  1889 Russia, the first performance of The Nutcracker.  Quite extraordinary given Russian history at this time,” The Doctor said as he started towards the doors with both companions in tow. 
                As they opened the doors and stepped out, snow was falling as Zeke put on his top hat upon stepping out and Krista followed after soon by The Doctor who locked the doors to the TARDIS behind him.  In addition, it was also nighttime which means all the torches were lit reflecting the snowfall. However, just as they stepped out it was Zeke who pointed out the architecture from his studies as a child.
                “Forgive me, but this doesn’t look like Russian architecture,” He started to point out,  “That looks like the Eiffel Tower under construction” As he pointed it out to the other two as both Krista and The Doctor looked over off to the horizon as period cranes had stopped their work for the holidays.
                The Doctor stuck up a finger and then realized that while the TARDIS had gotten the time period right she had gotten the city mixed up.  It was a missed and a given opportunity as he let the snow drift and land on his finger.   There was no need to waste it as he pointed out to Zeke and Krista, as Krista was busy taking in the sights and sounds of the new timeframe.
                “Quite right, more like Paris 1898, very observant of you Mr. Williams,” The Doctor was annoyed, but this wasn’t’ the first time the TARDIS had taken him somewhere where he didn’t intend for it to land.  “Christmastime, still by the looks of it,” he continued as he pointed to the wreaths and boughs of holly.  “I suspect, we’ve landed near the arts district, more specifically near the Opera House if I’m not mistaken.”
                “How can you tell?” Zeke asked, as he pulled on a pair of dress gloves and slid them over his hands. 
                “What do you hear?” The Doctor asked, as he waited for the companions to pick up on the faintest vibrations of music.  Perhaps, this is why the TARDIS was attracted to this particular spot as he could pick it up but it would take a moment for the others to pick up on the vibrations of sound.  There was something else there as he could hear it faintly under the music, but for what intents he couldn’t decipher yet.
                “Music,” Krista said, as she picked up on the faint sounds of an orchestra but also she thought she could hear the scraping of stone.  Looking around, she then could see the architecture of the buildings nearby as she saw what she thought were Angels through the snow looking down.  They were beautiful  amongst the gargoyles that decorated some of the other buildings as she could hear the soft crunch of The Doctor and Zeke headed towards the source of the music.