Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Man of Steel. Not Impressed.

I went and saw Man of Steel finally this weekend and let me just say this.  Not impressed.

Perhaps, it was the fact that I loved the Christopher Reeve movies or missed the John Williams music.  It could've been the whole I'm a big Supes fan and that I want this to be a homage and make my favorite DC hero look good.  No.  It was all action, no plot.  

Seriously, there were parts that I liked such as the birth scene and making Krypton seem more alien than what it was in the 1978 movie.  I also loved Lara's launch dress and Russell Crowe did a decent job of portraying Jor-El.  However, the movie seemed to be in so many parts disjointed.  I liked the fact that we got to see Clark growing up but I'd rather have that part at the front of the movie and continuously flowing like it did in the Donner movies.  

There was also so many transitions between scenes that one moment you're seeing one thing and then 5 seconds later you are moving onto something else.   Also, when they had Clark trying to fly for the first time I just had to laugh, it looked to cartoony to be realistic and the CG wasn't screaming Superman to me. During Lois's first scenes I thought, hmm maybe she wasn't going to be the damsel in distress Lois or the annoying Lois...again I was dissappointed.   I do like Lawrence Fishbourne's portrayal of Perry White it was interesting to say the least and he seemed to be a good fit.  Also, Kevin Costner's portrayal of Jonathan Kent was ok, it was ok not great, but just ok.  

What really disturbed me though were the overwhelming amount of action scenes.  Sure, you had the throw down between Clark and the baddies but the overwhelming destruction of Metropolis and Smallville was just too much.  "Just in case, we didn't mess up Smallville enough or Metropolis, let's mess it up some more!!"  Not only that, there was some tasteless destruction and I could've sworn I saw a few scenes that were reminiscent of 9/11.  It wasn't tastefully done and really it was too much for one movie.   

What really got me was the one thing Clark did that angered me.   If you don't want to be spoiled turn your head.   He snapped Zod's neck which to me is the one thing that is so unlike Superman to me that it just unthinkable!! 

Granted, I've never read the comics and maybe Supes does something like this but I just feel Man of Steel was not Superman.  It didn't speak to me like the other movies have in the past and it's sad that I think that way but I will not call this movie Superman.  It didn't feel like it, didn't act like it and as a Superman fan, I was sorely dissappointed.

Friday, June 14, 2013

A long long time ago in a Raleigh far away (Wierd Al concert)

That was totally wicked!!!

The 501st was once again invited to be up on stage during Al's encore of The Saga Begins and of course the call for troops was put out.   Granted,  I didn't get to troop in costume because they didn't want guards (we are low on the totem pole of trooping) but I did get to help wrangle and take pictures for our guys that were trooping this event.

The fun part besides helping the guys suit up and troop was getting to hear his music live.  Granted, I know he writes parodies but they were funny.  I was hoping to hear two of my favorite songs besides The Saga Begins,  Amish Paradise and Ebay.  Al, delivered and his show made me laugh which is something that I need these days since I've been dealing with a lot in my life.  Not to mention feelings for guys which they have started to notice me since surgery.  Anyways, back on topic.

So being a 501st member,  I was able to wrangle for our group backstage which they did rehearse for their small part in Saga Begins.  I was so happy to help out and watch them rehearse backstage along with Gene's wife Dee and his oldest daughter.  I have some great pictures of them rehearsing in our small but hot dressing room and yes, Gene did stand in for Al during the rehearsals which got me laughing.  Granted, people said I didn't look happy to be wrangling but I was!! I have that silent but deadly look about me and yes though I didn't get to troop in the guard I was guarding my troops!!!

So we got to watch some of the show from the side but because of Fire Codes we were asked to either go have a seat or go somewhere else.  We went back to the dressing room and about an hour into the show everyone suited up.  This is where wranglers play a vital role since TK's can't bend over, Boba, or other characters so if they needed shin guards, I got them, if they needed me to adjust neck seals, put on back plates, backpacks and other things.  We even had a missing trooper so out into the crowd I went to go to look for him and he made it in time to be on stage with the others.  Before they went on stage I really got a great shot of the guys backstage about to go on before I found my way up to the balcony at that point Al performed Amish Paradise and I enjoyed every single second of it.

Finally, after a few more songs the guys came on stage with Chewie, we had troopers, Vader, Chewie and Boba and they were a hit.  I was cheering for Al but I was also cheering for our guys and though I got some shots of them on stage, they weren't that great.  Anyways, they were a hit on stage with Al and I loved watching our troops on stage with Weird Al doing their trooping thing as I call it.

After Saga Begins they went to the lobby where they took pictures and they looked great.  I'll have to come back and edit this post when my photobucket will be cooperative and I can finish uploading the rest of the pictures.  When we got back to the dressing room and suited down Al and his manager came to thank us and we got autographs and pictures with him.

Overall, this event was one of my favorites even if I didn't get to troop it!!


Jedi Training

For those of you that may not be aware or haven't heard because you've joined my friends list or something like that.  I am a lapband patient meaning at one time I was morbidly obese.  I'm not going to lie, it sucked I mean it really sucked not being able to move, no mobility or limited mobility and an unquenchable appetite.  It didn't happen overnight, the obesity that is, it happened over several years.  Meaning that, I had an emotional void so I filled that void with food and then when I felt guilty, I ate more and more causing my weight to balloon to a whopping 320 pounds at my heaviest.  I didn't have many friends and I was a loner because like most people who are overweight, I was very self conscious and wanted to hide myself from the world.

However, I realized that I was missing out relationships, going out, buying clothes, getting makeup done, not going to Cons and hanging out with my friends or branching out into other costuming areas other than Star Wars.  Yes, 10 years ago I bought my first Royal Guard and the purpose of that was because I wanted to hide my weight while still showing I was a Star Wars fan.  Up until three years ago I learned to live with my heaviest, no hope, no chance of having a relationship, I might as well live in a closet because I hated myself so much that if Palpatine himself was courting another apprentice or a Dark Jedi I would have said where do I sign though probably because I was so fat, he would've declined.   

Then my world parted and I pursued WLS or Weight Loss Surgery.  I had never considered surgery of that type because my Uncle Phil, who recently passed had the Gastric and I was scared.  In addition, to the Gastric I had heard stories that should I ever get into a relationship, I would have severe complications with the pregnancy so I decided on the lapband.  I met my surgeon in the spring of 2011 and on June 29, 2011 after meeting all requirements and the liquid 2 week diet, I had my surgery done.  I lost about 60 pounds easily and continued to shed another 90 after that.  

However, I've hit a plateau and rock bottom I know I gained at least 20 back this past year because of stress at work and haven't gone for the fills as I should have but now I'm back on track working out walking 5 miles a day and considering that my Jedi training.  Yeah yeah fanboys I know Luke was well on his way to becoming a Jedi in ROTJ but my point is that this weight loss fight can not be fought on it's own with just food restriction, you need exercise.  

This summer my plan is to walk the 2.5 miles around my Parents subdivision in the morning, 2.5 at night, and then swim, then bike the 2.5 miles.  I know my body is going to go through hell but I'm willing to sacrifice to the demons to become an Angel.  

I am heading to my surgeon on Monday for a fill and I know I'm gonna get lectured...boy am I going to get lectured but at least I know that my problems stem from emotional ones and physical stresses.  However, I am continuing the fight against that and my goal is to get down to a size 12 by the end of summer.  I can live with a size 12....I can't live with a size 16 which I'm currently at right now.   So yes, I am about to go on another mile walk my second for today but I am going to win this fight.


Edit at 2:16 so far today I've walked four miles, getting ready to walk again in a bit.  I never did tell you my workout music.  Surprisingly, I listen to the Rocky IV soundtrack minus a few songs that just don't cut it for me because they aren't workout but mostly everything from Burning Heart to Hearts on Fire to Eye of the Tiger, No Easy Way Out and Sweetest Victory are the songs that I have on repeat when I walk. Who says girls can't listen to that soundtrack and it's one of my favorite movies!   Also, I listen to Pink's "Try" which is an anthem for me because I fell down this year in terms of my WL but I'm getting right back and fighting back.  My goal is to have Dark Phoenix ready by HeroesCon 2014 if I'm not working part-time to pay off Student Loan debts.

Keep walking!!
