Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Man of Steel. Not Impressed.

I went and saw Man of Steel finally this weekend and let me just say this.  Not impressed.

Perhaps, it was the fact that I loved the Christopher Reeve movies or missed the John Williams music.  It could've been the whole I'm a big Supes fan and that I want this to be a homage and make my favorite DC hero look good.  No.  It was all action, no plot.  

Seriously, there were parts that I liked such as the birth scene and making Krypton seem more alien than what it was in the 1978 movie.  I also loved Lara's launch dress and Russell Crowe did a decent job of portraying Jor-El.  However, the movie seemed to be in so many parts disjointed.  I liked the fact that we got to see Clark growing up but I'd rather have that part at the front of the movie and continuously flowing like it did in the Donner movies.  

There was also so many transitions between scenes that one moment you're seeing one thing and then 5 seconds later you are moving onto something else.   Also, when they had Clark trying to fly for the first time I just had to laugh, it looked to cartoony to be realistic and the CG wasn't screaming Superman to me. During Lois's first scenes I thought, hmm maybe she wasn't going to be the damsel in distress Lois or the annoying Lois...again I was dissappointed.   I do like Lawrence Fishbourne's portrayal of Perry White it was interesting to say the least and he seemed to be a good fit.  Also, Kevin Costner's portrayal of Jonathan Kent was ok, it was ok not great, but just ok.  

What really disturbed me though were the overwhelming amount of action scenes.  Sure, you had the throw down between Clark and the baddies but the overwhelming destruction of Metropolis and Smallville was just too much.  "Just in case, we didn't mess up Smallville enough or Metropolis, let's mess it up some more!!"  Not only that, there was some tasteless destruction and I could've sworn I saw a few scenes that were reminiscent of 9/11.  It wasn't tastefully done and really it was too much for one movie.   

What really got me was the one thing Clark did that angered me.   If you don't want to be spoiled turn your head.   He snapped Zod's neck which to me is the one thing that is so unlike Superman to me that it just unthinkable!! 

Granted, I've never read the comics and maybe Supes does something like this but I just feel Man of Steel was not Superman.  It didn't speak to me like the other movies have in the past and it's sad that I think that way but I will not call this movie Superman.  It didn't feel like it, didn't act like it and as a Superman fan, I was sorely dissappointed.

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