Friday, July 5, 2013

Please Play Nice!!!

I've seen a very disturbing trend lately, or maybe it's been going on for a while and I've been blind to it but lately I've been seeing a lot of "Look at me I am the best of the best and I want attention" posts.  I've seen most of these on Facebook in my feeds, friends, private or personal even though I have tried to screen them out I'm just getting sick of them.

Recently, I saw a feed for a show about Cosplayers and of course it's the best of the best cosplayers/costuming but I don't need to see it advertised 20 different times in my feed.  I don't need to see the perfect bodied female geek plastered all over my wall.  Furthermore, the feeds that I've seen lately are more of the scantily clad cosplayers or the cosplaying show that shows only the best of the best with the perfect body and the perfect costume.  Yes, there is a point that you should be proud of your costume, you or your seamstress/builder should be proud of the hard work that has been put into making your Geek dreams come true, but you should not brag you're the best.

In my view, bragging that you have the supreme god of god costumes, or the epic costume of the con means that you really don't care about having fun, but rather running around and making everyone feel insecure, or showing off what a pompous jerk you are.  Granted, there are a lot of costumes that I admire, but I really dislike people at cons that brag that they are the brightest and best.  If I like your costume, I'll say it but if you say that "I'm the only one that can wear this costume" then you and I will have a problem.


I say this because there are some people that have contacted me in private about me being Luke or Padme'. Some have said that I'm too fat for either, some say that because I'm a girl that I can't do Luke or they've just been really nasty to me.  I will say this to them "BITE ME!!!"  I love being Luke and I love being Padme' and besides Padme is pregnant in Episode III with both Luke and Leia so I can use my weight to my advantage for that costume.  Luke has been a dream since I was a little girl and just because I'm not 150 pounds  yet doesn't mean I'm not going to costume him.  I've got a very special request to do Luke and yes, we are still working on him to get him right for the RL judges but I tell you I enjoy the costume and I will be wearing him as long as my body can endure it, and as long as people want him.

The point of this blog that I'm trying make is that bragging about your costume is ok as long as it doesn't affect other people's fun or demeans them.  If you say "You can't costume that" you are being a jerk and unprofessional and not representing the character you are trying to portray. Furthermore, it's ok to costume as any character you want, but be thankful when people ask for photos with you...always say thank you, always be polite to each other.  In other words...Play Nice!!!

One other area that I want to touch on is please if you are going to use photos ask the person you are borrowing from if you can use those photos.  I've had a few of my friends who have had their photos plastered all over the internet when they didn't want them to.  I know a rule that I follow is that if my parents wouldn't approve of it it doesn't go up on Facebook.  Yes, I have silly costume photos of Padme, Luke and the Guard on Facebook, but I make sure that those silly photos are not used against me.  If I borrow photos or share them, or blog about them I try to give them credit or the photographer the credit.  However, I'm getting really tired of seeing photos of my friends being used without permission or asking first.  I try to ask people before borrowing and yes if I post a YouTube video then I try to give credit where credit is due.

Also, I know I know, if the person posted it they should know the risks of posting such photos on the internet.  Maybe, they wanted to share their costume with the rest of the costuming world or the groups they are in.  Yes, they are aware that said costumes can get them in trouble with work or other interests, but have the decency to ask them first before taking their photo.

That's all I ask people.


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