Friday, April 5, 2013

Radio Silence and looking?

So because I"m a member of certain costuming groups, I can't say much on the decision by Disney to drop LucasArts and close it.  Other than I enjoyed playing LucasArts related games such as Rebel Assault, Jedi Knight, Mysteries of the Sith,  Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy.  Boy those games take me back in the fact that my best friend Jim and I would get on MP (multiplayer) and play those impossible battles that you could never have in the canon universe.  For example, we did Luke ESB vs Luke ROTJ,  Anakin vs Luke ROTJ, Vader vs Maul (yes don't remind me about the comic), Obi-Wan vs Luke etc etc.  Still it was fun to mod Jedi Outcast and Academy to the point where you could play Episode III two years before the movie ever came out and then a little bit after the movie.

I loved playing Mustafar's custom map with a few friends and yes I did all three characters (Padme', Anakin and Obi-Wan.)  Also, what was highly amusing on Jedi Academy were the single player mods where you could play as Episode III Obi-Wan, Anakin or Darth Maul.  You can only imagine what I said to the computer a few times when I played as any of those characters.

I also played Force Unleashed 1 and 2 and yes guys I know it was another outsourced company like Raven with the last two Jedi Knight games but still.  I guess I loved seeing the LucasArts logo and with the cancellation of Clone Wars I think it's all made us a bit batty.  However, with the closings comes a bit of speculation so that's why I'm maintaining radio silence so that way nothing I say can get taken out of context, I won't lose my membership and costuming groups can maintain their positive relationship with Disney.

Radio Silence also means I can't talk about how I feel about the acquisition of Lucasfilm by Disney so if you want to know I can't tell you.

So originally I was going to make Blog 21 an open point blog where I talk about any topic that you the readers wanted me to talk about.  I know I only got two so really I might have to hold off on Open Line blog till a later blog.

I will say this though, I am so sick of people assuming that just because I am not dating or have had very little interaction with male geeks that interest me that I live in my parents basement or have no interest in meeting guys.  First of all, I live 80 miles away from my parents and have my own apartment.  Second of all,  I'm shy.  EXTREMELY SHY!!  If I don't know you, if I haven't talked to you, if I have never met you and we do meet for the first time, expect an awkward silence period from me.    I'm an observer, I take things in before I act on them which is naturally me.  I wouldn't know how to go on a date if it hit me on the backside of my rear.  I wouldn't know if a guy was hitting on me flirting with me or what not, or if he's interested in me.  Granted, I had to ask a friend a few weeks ago if I was flirting with someone and they said yes from what I told them about the potential flirt.  That's how clueless I am about dating or having a relationship with guys.  I've only been with one other guy and well he broke my heart, and others have fallen by the wayside and it was more mutual friendship than anything.

There are times, yes when I want to be with someone but also there are times when I don't want to be with someone because I'm afraid of getting my heart broken again (No I didn't give birth to twins and then die a lame death two minutes later!!) .   I know with the weight coming off from surgery that some guys are taking notice and yes, thanks for looking guys, I"m sorry that I seem awkward to you it's just that no one has told me much of that dating thing or what to look for.  I'm afraid I did it wrong the last time so what will make this time different?  I'm trying to venture out there again, even bought some nice dating clothes that don't make me look like a grandmother.


Well I guess I'll go crawl under my rock again till Blog 22.  

Till next time,


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