Sunday, May 26, 2013

Animazement 2013

Three Words:  Oh My God!!!

Forgive me lord for using your name in vain but I had a freaking blast yesterday.  Granted, I am not big into Anime other than Sailor Moon and have some knowledge of Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z to keep me afloat but I heard this was a con that wasn't to be missed.  Also, I wanted to debut Luke yesterday in time for Return of the Jedi's 30th Anniversary and yes, he did make his debut and I loved every single second of it.

So I met with Kim and Mary for breakfast even though I had already eaten on the ride up and just sitting in the Deli where they had their breakfast I saw all sorts of costumes going by from the different Anime's, Mangas and then I got excited when I saw the different Doctor's going by.   I was squeeing and even before I got my badge, heck even before I got into costume I was excited.  I think Kim and Mary could tell that I was enjoying what I was seeing even before we even got into costume.  Granted, the line outside the convention center stretched around the block for all the new registrants but still the 45 was worth it to see everyone in costume.

So we went up to the room and got changed I seriously was geeking out looking at all the costumes going over to the convention center from the Marriott.  Once I got into costume, I was fangirling because I had been waiting to be Luke from ROTJ ever since I was a little girl.  I was just GAH I don't know how to put it other than very very happy.  The only part, was the boots on Luke are the hard equestrian boots that really have no room for movement and I got a war wound but once I wore them for a bit I was fine.

A lot of people didn't know who I was which was fine but I was seriously geeking out waiting in line for my badge.  Once I got in, the pictures didn't stop and I got in character.  I managed to meet up with my friends Tom, Chris Burnside, and Steve from the 105th and the picture taking began.  I also looked out of the corner of my eye after getting my badge at the Sailor Moon shoots.  I loved looked at the Senshi and I was geeking out at all the Senshi that were there.  I'm hoping that once I drop 50 more pounds that maybe next year I will do Dark Mercury from Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.  I got a few pictures in the morning and even dueled with Steve a little.  By the way Steve great DARTH MAUL!!! I know you will get in and you were a hit with the Con Goers.  In addition, Chris Burnside took a lot of pictures and I was just geeking out with everyone and everything there.  After the 105th main shoot, I met up with my friend Brandon and he and I walked over to get Lunch.  By that time, my feet were killing me and I had had enough of the Luke boots so yes, Rebel Legion and costume purists I went to my guard boots which are black, tall and styled just slightly different but at least I was comfortable.

So afterwards, Brandon and I hung out in the lobby of the Marriott watching the various costumes going to and from the hotel over to the convention center.  I have to say Animazement spilled over beyond the convention center but also onto Fayetteville Street, and even over by the Performing Arts center which makes it the largest con I've ever been to.  After the 105th Star Wars shoot, and hanging around some more,  Steve, Maggie, Renee and a few other friends and I went to Tir Na Nog which is a great Irish pub in downtown Raleigh.  Steve and I, as well as Renee and a few others were still in costume when we went in and had dinner.  I ended up splitting Nachos with Maggie since as a lapband paitent I can't eat that much. One small plateful I was good to go for an hour or so of pictures.  The only downside, was that my lightsaber died and I forgot to bring the extra batteries.

Oh there is so much from the  con that I can go on about.  Brandon and I did spend a lot of time watching the costumers go by and yes, I saw a lot of my friends there.  I was just geeking out because I have never been to a con of that size before but wow.  In addition, if Ryan Glitch were to bring Sci-Fi Speed Dating to this con, I'd bet he'd get a great response.  Hint. Hint. Hint!!  At dinner, we had an interesting conversation about how us old timers don't go to the Con Dances because we're too tired by the end of the night.  I thought it was funny but yeah, we were tired at least I was and I didn't want to see the damage that the Luke boots did to my heel.  My left heel and foot is fine but obviously I didn't do the sock right on Luke's right boot so yeah I got a nice little war wound on my heel.  I also enjoyed meeting Kim's friends and hanging out with them for a few but really after walking probably 10 miles in one day, posing and having a great time I was beat and ready for bed so I drove home.  I left Luke with Kim so that way she could fix the collar for ConCarolinas and now I'm anticipating ConCarolinas next week with Tim Zhan and the others.  So bring it on and I can't wait for Animazement 2014!!

Just an add on the day after I wrote this blog, although I did Luke.  I probably could've done Amy or Padme.  However, doing Padme' isn't the same without a certain Jedi there.  I'll say no more about that but for those of you that want to know, I'll never tell.  ;)


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Geekdom at Work

"Yeah I'm gonna need for you to come in on Saturday too, mmm that would be great ok?"

There is a fine line between our Geek life and our Work/Family life.  Sometimes the line becomes blurred or doesn't exist.  However, I was thinking of this because I was teaching my class about Barbara Morgan, the first teacher in Space.  I also had them pay respects to Christa McAffluie the original Teacher in Space Candidate that died in the Challenger explosion.  I got really excited about teaching my kids about the Space Shuttle program as in my spare time in addition to my usual fandoms, I like to study Volcanoes and Space in my spare time.

I found myself many times referring to the shuttle program as it's STS-designation and explaining what went into a launch, orbital entry, re-entry and preparations for new flights.  I really got into it and even caught myself humming the Star Trek theme which for some reason, when talking about the NASA Space Programs (Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Shuttles) comes to mind rather than the Star Wars theme.  Anyways, at work I do use a lot of fandom/geekisms to get through the day.  Granted, I can't do some of the more PG-13 stuff because I teach Elementary students but yes, I have used Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek,  and other geek references when I'm teaching.  Sometimes, when  I teach I find myself slipping into The Doctor's personality, including the Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh personalities.  For example, I have used Allonsy, Wibbly Wobbly and Fantastic in the fashion of the Ninth and Tenth Doctors.  I have also used Star Wars references and even wear my Celebration lanyard around my neck with my minuature Anakin hanging from it.  At one time, I had my Yoda on my desk along with ET and constantly during some lessons I play the John Williams music.

There have been times when I have subconsiously taken my Sonic Screwdriver into work and yes I've hidden it from the kids but I guess I needed something to keep me occupied.  I know that some of you who work in cubicles or in offices have your office decorated with items from your favorite fandoms.  I know a few of my friends have their cubicles decorated Star Wars style, some comic style and some who have Lord of the Rings memorabilia.  I think if I had a cubicle I would paint my stapler red as a homage to Office Space.

Heck, if I could to teach I'd walk into work dressed as The Doctor, or a Jedi, or someone to get the point across to my kids about the lesson they are to learn.  Still, I think the geekdom/fandom parts of our lives are starting to catch up to us at work and as long as it doesn't violate dress code or workplace rules I think it's ok to be a geek at work.

-Till Next Time,


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pouring it all into Padme'

Happy Revenge of the Fifth Day!!

Yesterday, as most of the people in the Geekdoms know it was Free Comic Book Day.  I went down to Fayetteville and ran around with Nick Garcia as the Ninth Doctor in my custom companion from Doctor Who.  If I explained the whole plot we'd be here till next Free Comic Book Day but I did have a blast and in true Doctor Who fashion, The Doctor and I played off each other similar to how they did it in the show.  It was fun and not only that I got called Jean Grey, Rachel Summers and I think someone once called me Mary Jane Watson.  Here's the funny thing, the person who called me Jean Grey said that I really would look like I would enjoy the full Phoenix Force powers...umm he's right but don't tell The Doctor that.

Also, a quick shoutout to Nick's Dad who is an aspiring comic book artist (I hope one day he gets in or if he does it for a hobby, continues to do it!!  I might want a commission of the Ninth Doctor and Krista outside the TARDIS)  It was a fun time and then I headed off to Greensboro for a wonderful night at the Symphony.

Now any Symphony event is always a fun one to do considering that I love the music first and foremost.  Yes, it was a long day yesterday but worth it.  I also want to say that it gave me a chance to do something Star Warsy for the day and I needed a release from work.  I decided well actually didn't decide more like I had to do Padme' because the guard is getting repainted.  

So yes, there was a small group of us who are in the 501st/RL  Pam, Andrew, Alex, Thomas, and Cher that made it out and the Symphony had hired a group of kids to serve as Stormtroopers/Clones and Vader.  I won't get into that but for those of us who were in the RL/501st we had a great time and took pictures before the show and during intermission.  We even went on stage for the Imperial March,  and Cher got to go on stage for Leia's theme.  

After that, they played Raiders, ET, Schindler's and came full circle to the prequel trilogy.  Thomas and I did Anakin and Padme' although Thomas had a generic Jedi.  I used my imagination and poured everything I had into Padme's emotions as I spent the first minute of the song alone and then Thomas came on and I sort of coached him silently as to what needed to be done.  The crowd didn't know it but yes I was playing my part of Padme' to a T even as we went out into the crowd  but they said I had my emotions matching hers from the movie.  Which is easy for me to do considering that I am always emotional and I can't hide them as well as some people can.  Everyone from the 501st/RL was a hit and since after that piece no one was in the dressing room I went to change out and let me tell you about Padme...she is a handful to put on and take off but overall she's my favorite costume to do.

A note to Chad and Cory and yes, I know you had to work Chad but they did play Battle of the Heroes.  So yes, even as we were walking back to the changing room the Hockey Duel came to mind.  So I went to take off Padme' got back into my clothes I had been wearing for FCBD and as I stepped out of the bathroom I got several compliments on how Across the Stars went.  I thought I was in trouble because I have trained my brain to think negatively rather than positively.  I guess Padme' is one of those costumes where I can pour everything into it and really I wouldn't be the character I would really just being myself, minus the whole having twins part and dying of heartbreak part.

Till Next Time,
