Monday, August 5, 2013

We have a Twelve!!

Doctor Who.

That show has been around for 50 years, with it's 50th Anniversary about to be celebrated this year in November.  I can't wait but also I am a fan having gotten into it back in 2008 with my roommate at the time watching David Tennant's 3rd Season run.  Granted, Tennant was good but Eccelston was much better even though he only had one season.  

After being exposed to Doctor Who, I wanted more and to tell you the truth I'm glad that Cornelia exposed me to it because I became aware of the other incarnations of the Doctor.  I went further back into the Eighth, and back and back further and further.  Now granted, when I first saw Eight I was like oh this guy is terrible, that was till another friend introduced me to the BFA (Big Finish Audios) or Audio Dramas as I like to call them.  I love Eight and I love Seven as my classic Doctors.  

What appeals to me about Doctor Who is the constant change with the different regenerations of the Doctor.  The show is all about change and yes, it deals with aliens, monsters things that go bump in the night and of course our lonely Timelord traveling in his little blue box.  Of course depending on his mood or the situation he has an assistant or a companion that travels with him.  Sometimes it's only one, or sometimes it's several companions as we've seen in the recent series of Five, Six and Seven.    

Theoretically, the fans say that as the Doctor gets closer to his final regeneration he gets younger.   I'm so glad that the theory went out the window with Peter Capaldi's casting as the Twelfth Incarnation of the Doctor.  I'm happy because I enjoyed his time in "Fires of Pompeii" and I've heard some good things about him being the time lord.  Yes, he is older like Eccelston, Tennant and McGann but still, I think he'll have that Charisma, that spark and that old-time feel of Doctor Who that the older fans want.  I am excited to see what he has to offer as The Doctor.  Who knows? We might even get some audios from him for BFA's when his tenure is done.

Matt Smith as well as his predecessors have all done a Fantastic Job as The Doctor and I wish Matt well in his future endeavors as well as all of those involved in the series.  Godspeed Matt and Hello Peter!!


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