Sunday, March 3, 2013


Well this has been a very hectic week for me so I'm only managing to get one entry done.  First and foremost, I'm not worried about the views of this blog online.  I'm at 760-some odd views and that's ok I'm not one to whine and complain saying that "Oh my blog is bad because I got a few hundred views."  I'm not worried about this and as I stated way back at the beginning this blog is for fun and fun alone.  If it takes off great, if not no big deal.

Yesterday, I drove up to Greensboro to go to StellarCon for a few reasons.  One it's a con.  Two, we need to practice for the upcoming duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan at the FireAntz game on the 16th, and Three I needed to fix Padme's wig for said game.  I've been to StellarCon in the past and in the past it was a good little con but it has gone down significantly down hill.  I'm not sure if it's the way that it's organized or just the lack of programming but it really has gone downhill and I'm not sure if it's a Con that can be saved.  Maybe if the people from ConCarolians helped organized it it could be a bit better.  However, I will say that it was nice to see my friends again, Janine "Spendlove" Garner,  Chris Burnside, Cheralyn Lambeth, Allegra "Chainmail Chick" Torres,  Jada Diaz, Rob Readling and others.

I will say the only interesting thing that happened during the con was watching Chris train Chad and Cory for the duel that is coming up in a few weeks.  Granted, I arrived a little late but once I arrived they were out there dueling or being taught moves by Chris and they did extremely well.   I then went to lunch with Chad and Cory and we joked around which was good because I have a feeling I would've been bored out of my skull had I not gone with them.   Once we got back from lunch we sat around for an hour waiting for Chris to come out of a panel so that way they could practice dueling for another hour or two.  Again, they are looking promising and I can't wait for the duel in a few weeks.


I will admit that I have been scattered brain the past few days overrun with things from work and just in the geekdom in general.  Granted, I haven't been to a con in a few weeks and I haven't been out trooping save for Raleighwood but there are some things that have been bothering me.  For example, someone pointed out that the guard fabric is supposed to be satin for the under robe lining.  Every guard that has gotten into the 501st knows full well that it's velvet, it's burgundy velvet for the lining based off of what we wear for our under tunics and obi sashes.  It just irks me when people ask me for help because I have the costume, granted someone made it for me, but I know what people need to get approved in the 501st with this costume.  Even though I've been quasi-burned I will still offer my help if it's asked for.  If not I won't worry about it.

I'm also having some issues with Padme and it's good on one hand and bad on the other I keep losing the weight from my surgery so I have to get the gauntlets resewn every two weeks .  I also need adjustments made to the back belt because I've lost two inches off my back and the belt isn't sitting right.  I'm still mixed about submitting to the Rebel Legion but I have friends that want me to submit so I will in the end.

I'm still moving forward with plans for Luke and Jean but I'm waiting on taxes to get back so that way I can go up to Raleigh and get the fabric for him.  Maybe when we go to Michigan this summer I might take Luke with me to get pictures in the woods where we used to roam when we went on camping trips.

Again, I'm scattered brained right now but at least I have an entry up.

Till next time---


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