Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ode to the Music Geeks

This blog is a shoutout to the music/band geeks that are out there.  No matter how far removed a person is from being a member of a band or listening their favorite song on the radio/Itunes.  Admit it, in some way, shape, or form you are a band/music geek.  There may be certain theme from a favorite Video Game or TV show that stick out in your mind, or movies for that matter.

You may also have played in a Marching/Concert/Jazz Band or even join an orchestra based on your different fandoms.  For me, I joined band not only because I loved classical music but I wanted to play low brass instruments so I could belt out "The Imperial March".  We never did play it during my 7 years in band but we did play themes like "Jurassic Park,  ET, Olympic Fan Fare, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, JAWS, Ghostbusters, and even the Star Wars: Main Theme (which sounded nothing like the orchestral version)."  It was more than enough to satisfy my inner budding geek at the time.

However, there are some themes that even by playing them in band or watching the show that stick around with you for life.  For example, during eighth grade and into ninth grade I was on a Star Trek kick so I had gotten all 7 movies that were out at the time and watched them religiously like I did my Star Wars and since Deep Space Nine and Voyager were on I craved more and more Star Trek.  Granted, I even did my Romeo and Juliet monologue dressed as a Starfleet Officer and had fun with it.  However, what I loved about Star Trek besides the show was the music.  I really loved the iconic theme that would later transform into The Next Generation theme from Star Trek: The Motion Picture that is playing when Admiral Kirk sees the newly refitted Enterprise for the first time.  It's just something about the slower tempo, the brass and the string arrangements that make me geek out everytime I hear or play it on Itunes.  You can only imagine how Kirk felt seeing his beloved ship again for the first time.

I also enjoy the Season 4 variant of the Deep Space Nine theme with the extra oomph on the downbeats and I've always enjoyed the Voyager theme.  I really do enjoy themes put out by our favorite shows, for those that still have an opening theme as well as movies.  I geek out every time I hear the Superman theme and when the tv show Smallville would play hints of it and even in the finale episode I was a very happy geek.  I even get very happy at the Stargate: SG-1 theme or even the themes to Skyrim and Oblivion which I play on my X-Box.   I am also a big fan of the new series of Doctor Who so of course I have the soundtracks from Series 1 and 2, 4 and 5 downloaded on Itunes and just as you'll see in a few seconds I can quote accurately the scene in which the music is featured.  I get teary eyed every time I hear the theme from Doomsday because of the sadness it portrays ( though Rose is not my favorite character).

What's really funny is that when I listen to my Star Wars soundtracks I know precisely in the music the scene that it was written for and can recite the lines in the tones of the characters.  It's funny because last night as I drove home from getting my gauntlets for Padme fixed, I was playing "Shuttle Tydirium" again for the 99,999th time and I guess I was rehearsing for when I finally do costume Luke.  So yes, I was saying "I'm endangering the mission, I shouldn't have come."     I also have a tendency when I go for trips out to the Piedmont of North Carolina to play that song on repeat because the hills and foothills leading into the Mountains and Forests of Endor.  Yes, I know those of you who are true Star Wars purists are going to say "North Carolina doesn't have Redwood Forests".  It's not that, it's just the principle of the matter and darn it I'm going to play what I like the most for music on trips.

So music geeks, I know you are out there.  Have you every played a theme from your favorite show or game on your instrument? You can bet I have tried and even have played variations of the Imperial March and Raiders of the Lost Ark on mine (yes I have finally seen the movie two months ago)..  I know that those of you who are the geeks that regularly attend cons and other events have probably even been in band and played themes that relate to your favorite show or game and have defined you as a geek.

Till next time--


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