Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's on the internet so it must be true!!!

Recently, my blog has come under attack by some religious groups who have seen my blog through links on  Usually, when I post an entry, I post it publicly on Google plus for people to see it.  I guess I'm going to have to stop that practice because I have been attacked twice in pending comments by Religious fanatics saying that I'm going to be tossed into the fires of hell for worshiping idols.

Wow.  That's a new one.  I didn't know the churches out there now have power to decide if I go to Heaven or Hell.  I thought God only had the power to do that and for those that you who are or aren't religious whoever you believe in has the power to decide where you go after you die.  It's no secret that I am a Christian, I'm Lutheran by denomination but I've been brought up to believe that all people are equal.

Anyways, the attacks started last Tuesday and though I decided to delete them the more I thought about them Wednesday into Thursday, the more angrier I got. Why?  They sought to bring me down because of something that I passionately love.  I love being a Geek.  I dress in costumes, I go to Cons, I roleplay, I play X-Box from time to time.  I do not under any circumstances dress provcatively when I go to Cons.  The most revealing costume that I have is Padme and come on folks is she really that revealing?

This church (thank god which isn't WBC or Westboro Baptist Church), also stated that I am going to hell because I am unmarried and one member even posted that how can an unwed pregnant mother raise a twin?  Wow.  Since when did they know the details of my life, have they even seen Star Wars? For the record people, I am not pregnant nor have I ever been intimate with a guy.  The only time I had a boyfriend that was serious was in college and that was more break your heart and stomp on it, wait till after marriage kind of thing, which I got the feeling he didn't want to wait, and he also suffered from PTSD from serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I left him and it broke my heart, so I've been reluctant to step into the dating world though now I feel like a fish out of water.  I hope one day to find my own geek but as to how or why?  Yeah, I'm lost on that part.

Getting back on topic, this group obviously wanted to bring me down because their either jealous or truly concerned about my soul.  Come on people, I keep this blog PG and I keep it clean.  I really do think that you can be a geek and be religious at the same time (or not religious if you choose).  The point being is that others will seek to bring Geeks down because they feel there isn't a place for us.  Yet, the cons and the fandoms dictate otherwise.

Still it's attacks like these that put a bad taste in my mouth.  I started this blog to have fun and you know what?  By golly, I think I'm going to keep it despite what the people who don't like geeks say.  Geek is good.  Religion can be a part of geekdom (ever hear of The Force?), and it's ok to be religious and be a geek.  Don't let anyone say you are going to the underworld because of your Geekdom because only you can make the choices that influence your life or in this case the afterlife.

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