Tuesday, February 19, 2013

When Sci-Fi becomes Reality

As I drove home from a great weekend down at my parents place, I was inspired to write this blog because of all the technology that has come out in the past few decades.  It amazes me that every five to six months, we have a new release of an Ipad or IPhone or the latest Blackberry, Laptop.  It's funny because decades earlier everything that we've been experiencing was part of a Sci-Fi show or referenced in a drama show years before, now it's reality.

Take for instance, computers.  Computers were once the size of a classroom, even a house.  However, with the advent of 2001: A Space Odyssey and the original Star Trek.  Computers were rapidly becoming the size of a TV and by the time the 80's rolled around, the advent of the personal computer had begun!!!  Taking that one step further, we saw Princess Leia in Star Wars insert what looked to be a CD into the dome of R2-D2.  A decade later in the late 80's the advent of CD's had also begun and would steadily replace A-Track tapes and Cassette Tapes and even expand into the VCR Cassettes, replacing those with DVDs and now Blu-Rays.

I think it's fascinating that technology inspired by Sci-Fi movies, comics and tv shows has drastically changed our way of life and is becoming reality every single day.

Just yesterday, I read an article online how surgery is now done by robots and there is a bridge over the person similar to the technology used on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Voyager.  We are already seeing holograms or hologram like technology develop in China.  Infrared scanning and scanners are now being used by the military.

We are also seeing the advent of the tablet computer.  Can we say datapad from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine or Voyager?  Think about it, every time we saw Captain Picard sit down in his ready room, Sisko in his or Janeway in hers, they had a datapad in their hand.  Does that mean phasers are the next in line to be developed?  I'm sure somewhere out there, we'll see phasers being developed or the equivalent to them.  In addition, I'm hopeful as in all Star Wars fans to see a lightsaber being developed that does what its onscreen counterpart does.  Just be sure that when they sell it, that they put the disclaimer on them that they may lead to the loss of a limb.  Speaking of limb loss, we are now seeing robotic arms, prosthesis and other devices come to aid and assist those who are disabled due to an injury work to assist our veterans and handicapped populations use limbs and nerves to be mobile.  Even microscopic devices (nanoprobes) are also being used to help assist in surgery.

One thing that I like about our technology advanced age is the development and redevelopment of MP3 players and cell phones.  I find it so amusing that my students didn't know that there was a time before Cell Phones or Ipods.  We called it portable CD players and Walkman's that ran on actual AA or AAA battery power.  Now, we can plug in our Ipods, download, sync and play movies, games, music or other media and have a 24 charge in a matter of hours.  I know my 180GB Ipod can play continuously for 8 hours and then be charged and ready to go again in a few hours.  I also love it how on my car I can remote control and listen to my Ipod through a USB port built into my dash.  Just think about the GPS system, a decade ago it was in it's infancy for general use and now it's common place in most cars and becoming a standard feature.  Some cars, even feature park assist and who knows?  One day they'll be able to drive themselves like the cars featured in Minority Report.

So why all this technology why now?

A lot of the scientists that are developing the technology are geeks just like you or I might be costuming or gaming geeks.  They were inspired by Sci-Fi shows and ideas that sought them in the direction of physics, technology, computers etc.  They wanted to make a difference and they saw the possibilities that were there even before their time.  They were going off a theory proposed in a show like Star Trek and ran with it.   I think we're going to see some major advances in the coming years and what was once fantasy is now becoming reality.  I can't wait to see what scientists are working on and what releases await us in the coming years.


  1. well, there are scientist at nasa that are saying warp space travel is possible and within our reach within the next 20 to 100 years or so.

    1. I wouldn't be a bit surprised. If they do go for warp drive they need to name the ship The Phoenix. I just hope there isn't a Borg Invasion. With the nano-technology that we are developing now, I hope humans don't evolve into a form of the Borg.

  2. Reminds me of the 2nd episode of the 9th Doctor when the last human brings in a jukebox and says its and iPod.

  3. Yes, Lady Cassandra. I loved that episode and of course anything Ninth Doctor. Just think that music may be one day contained on a microchip.

    It's so exciting!!! Again, with the lightsabers we need to be careful considering that they may cause loss of limb or life.
