Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Same Sandbox- ala "Can't we all just get along?"

As the fandoms continue to grow, more and more people are getting into the costuming/cosplay aspect of being a geek.  Now it's no secret that people have dressed up as their favorite character or genre for years.   Halloween pictures from the past, show people dressed up as Vulcans, Science Officers and characters from Star Trek.  Plastic Darth Vader masks show the beginnings of members who would one day join the 501st Legion or even the Rebel Legion.  Back then, it was acceptable to wear a costume on Halloween or even a small Star Trek convention.

Now it's beginning to be more acceptable to go to conventions and wear all sorts of costumes.  From comics to Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Buffy,  Avengers just about anything goes at a con, even Anime.  It is not odd to see a costumer go out to dinner during a major con such as DragonCon and WonderCon or WizardWorld dressed as their favorite character.  Sure a few odd looks are thrown in the direction of the costume but everyone just goes on about their business.

Yet, again let me address this issue that I see among the more popular fan groups.

 "My costume is better than yours".

Those words.  I can't stand them even if the costumer is just mentioning them to another person who costumes the same thing.  It irks me and I think it's because its presented in two different lights.  One, the person may have made more modifications to the costume or can fit it better, or two it's ego.  Yes, organizations demand strict costuming standards but really?  "My costume is better than yours?" Do people have any idea on how childish that sounds?

I'll use this as an example.  Say that there is someone who bought fabric, bought leather boots, belts, pouches, capsules and an ultrasaber to do a Dark Jedi.  That costume isn't accepted by the Rebel Legion or the 501st  (the said costumer knows the groups won't take it)  but it may look really good and the person wants to do it for fun. So they wear it to a convention such as Celebration or any of the other ones that are mentioned to go and be a geek for a day.  The person makes the runs on the Dealers Floor, sits in on panels and wanders for hours as most con goers do.  Yet in the corner, there is the one person that snickers and says "That costume sucks".  How would you feel?  Even if it met and borrowed from the CRLs of both groups plus the Jedi Assembly?    I don't know about you but I'd be hurt.

I know that there are some people that spend hour after hour perfecting their costumes.  Heck, I'm still making tweaks to Padme' and the Guard but still I'm aware that my costumes will never be perfect.  In reality, we're not perfect and I know that I'm not perfect.  My body type is not Natalie Portman's or the square broad shoulders of the Royal Guards of both Classic and Prequel trilogies.  However, I costume for fun and yes I know that Padme' has not been approved by the Rebel Legion though she was made by a RL member.  I realize that I wear a wig and I am larger than the Padme's featured on the site.  Everyone who has seen her or the guard have made positive comments and I truly appreciate them.  However, what would happen if I go to the next Celebration and have her on the forefront with the other skinnier Padme's?

 {Photo by Jess Ingles, January 2013)
{Photo by Grace Gore, October 2012)

Oooh there we go with the Fat Padme comments or it's not screen accurate enough because Natalie is skinny and you're just a fat person wanting to be skinny.  Ok, yes I get the fact that maybe you don't want a five foot six Vader running around the convention but gee I'm not perfect, no one is.  I also know that you don't want bathrobe Jedi's running around either.  Now I have seen it in some of the clubs, that there are elitist and perfectionists but for the most part we get along.  It's just my fear that if the elites got into power I will never be able to attend an event again because I'm not the body type, the height or the weight.  If that ever happened a lot of people not only will be angry or upset, they will resent and hate their hobbies.


I think the point is that as long as it meets the requirements to get into a club then it should be accepted.  No matter if it's Stargate, Comic Cosplay clubs,  Anime (though I think they are mostly independent, Doctor Who or other fandoms.  After all we're all geeks, we get to play in the same sandbox, we all have the same passions so why not have some fun with the costume that you love.

*steps down from Soapbox*

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