Saturday, February 2, 2013 seriously this blog is about spoilers!

The idea for this blog came to me when I was searching through my favorite Geek media sites, Superhero Hype, Crave Online,  Doctor Who and the TARDIS and I have thought long and hard about the idea of spoilers and how they have changed since the advent of the internet.  We’ve all seen them online those of us who have regular access to media sites to see who will be starring in our favorite TV shows, directing that next big geeky summer blockbuster or writing that comic book that we’ve been looking forward to.

Yet, how many of us have read a spoiler only to be disappointed? Should spoilers be even posted online?  

I will say this,  "It depends on your point of view."  

Personally, the idea of spoilers to me can be both a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.  For example, finding out the casting of a movie that you've heard about can be a good thing.  I was excited when they announced the casting on The Avengers.  I mean sure, we all knew who was basically who but also at the time I had never heard of Mark Ruffalo and being the Hulk fan that I am, I was surprised that Edward Norton had sold out and was afraid that Mark couldn't handle the big guy.  I was wrong and I loved Ruffalo's performance.  Granted, Banner is supposed to be a skinny thin guy that turns into a 1,000 pound great big green rage monster but hello, this is the movie real world and not the comic book page world.

With the announcement of J.J. Abrams as the new director for Star Wars: Episode VII, I'm a bit on the mixed fence about this.  Don't get me wrong, I loved his reboot of the Star Trek franchise but I don't want Episode 7 to be reboot of the Classic Trilogy!!!y!! J.J.  I love you but don't mess with my childhood and please don't don't reboot the Classic Trilogy to the point that I denounce my fandom and leave Star Wars forever.  So when the time comes for casting announcements, it should be interesting I'll be paying attention to those actively.  However, when certain plot elements may be announced, I will actively avoid those spoilers because I want to be surprised when I go into theaters and who knows when the trailers air.  I might go and see the movies that they are attached to in the theaters.  I have alot of expectations when it comes to Star Wars  and the movies and I don't want to be disappointed or spoiled too much by trailers and fan postings on Social Media.  Therefore, I will disconnect, ignore or hide spoiler comments made by my Social Media friends.  I love you guys, but please don't spoil it for me!!

What about X-Men: Days of the Future Past?  I've only read about the casting announcements off of Super Hero Hype and I won't spoil anyone here but I can learn to live with them and I'm excited.  The same thing goes with Superman: Man of Steel,  I'm a bit Supes fan and though I've seen the trailers, I'm actively avoiding the Spoilers that fans are posting on Superman sites and film sites.

So what about TV shows?  I really don't read that many spoilers because there isn't that many to be found online.  Maybe one or two casting announcements but as for an Episode of Clone Wars that has or is about to air, I tend to actively avoid those Spoilers.  For Being Human, I tend to avoid those as well because I want to be surprised.  I like the trailers that they air for TV shows because it gives you a little taste of what's to come but as for full blown spoilers?  I actively try to avoid those, even when Doctor Who is preparing to begin it's 50th Anniversary season, though I do like hearing about the casting rumors.

Overall, I think if you want to be spoiled that's your choice but think about your friends and family that don't want to be spoiled.  There is a fine line that spoilers can take a fan, yes there are things you want to know and things you don't want to know.  For example, when everyone was hyped up about the Legacy of the Force series, I avoided spoilers on that till a friend told me how it ended but now I'm reading it just to see the how and why the saga played out  like it did.  Also, in the Comic Media, there are certain things that I'll look at and then when I do I'm sorely disappointed.  I'll just say when I heard a certain comic book character got the Phoenix Force and then multiple characters did I was not happy.  Again, spoilers or no spoilers depends greatly on how we feel about our different fandoms and how passionate we are about those fandoms.  Do we want to or don't we want to be spoiled?  That's a choice that as geeks we have to make it for ourselves.

Till next time....

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